Scientific Publications

  • Vanongeval, F.; Gobin, A. Adverse Weather Impacts on Winter Wheat, Maize and Potato Yield Gaps in northern Belgium. Agronomy 2023, 13, 1104.
  • Karapetsas, N.; Gobin, A.; Bilas, G.; Koutsos, T.M.; Pavlidis, V.; Katragkou, E.; Alexandridis, T.K. Analysis of Land Suitability for Maize Production under Climate Change and Its Mitigation Potential through Crop Residue ManagementLand 2024, 13, 63.
  • Vourlioti, P., Kotsopoulos, S., Mamouka, T., Agrafiotis, A., Nieto, F. J., Sánchez, C. F., Llerena, C. G., and García González, S.: Maximizing the potential of numerical weather prediction models: lessons learned from combining high-performance computing and cloud computing, Adv. Sci. Res., 20, 1–8.
  • V.K. Firfiris, S.D. Kalamaras, G. Kefalas, T.A. Kotsopoulos, 2023. The effect of climate change on dairy cattle behaviour in a cow barn in North Greece and possible effects on energy consumption. 10th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, CHANIA2023 21-24 JUNE, Greece.
  • Lithourgidis, A.A.; Firfiris, V.K.; Kalamaras, S.D.; Tzenos, C.A.; Brozos, C.N.; Kotsopoulos, T.A. Energy Conservation in a Livestock Building Combined with a Renewable Energy Heating System towards CO2 Emission Reduction: The Case Study of a Sheep Barn in North Greece. Energies 2023, 16, 1087.
  • Vourlioti, P.; Mamouka, T.; Agrafiotis, A.; Kotsopoulos, S. Medicane Ianos: 4D-Var Data Assimilation of Surface and Satellite Observations into the Numerical Weather Prediction Model WRFAtmosphere 2022, 13, 1683.
  • Charvát, Karel, Berzins, Raitis, Bergheim, Runar, Zadražil, František, Macura, Jan, Langovskis, Dailis, Šnevajs, Heřman, Kubíčková, Hana, Horáková, Šárka, & Charvát, Karel. (2022, June 29). Map Whiteboard As Collaboration Tool for Smart Farming Advisory Services. 15th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. [Joint publication with other Horizon 2020 projects]
  • Charvát, Karel, Kepka, Michal, Berzins, Raitis, Zadražil, František, Langovskis, Dailis, & Musil, Marek. (2022, June 29). SmartAgriHubs FIE20 - Groundwater and Meteo Sensors and Earth Observation for Precision Agriculture. 15th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. 
  • Asher, A.; Brosh, A. Decision Support System (DSS) for Managing a Beef Herd and Its Grazing Habitat’s Sustainability: Biological/Agricultural Basis of the Technology and Its ValidationAgronomy 2022, 12, 288. 
  • Meron, M., Chen, A., Rabinovitz, O. et al. Water distribution analysis of a linear move irrigator by aerial survey and RTK-GNSS monitors. Precision Agric (2021). 
  • Zinke-Wehlmann, C.; Kirschenbaum, A. Geo-L: Topological Link Discovery for Geospatial Linked Data Made EasyISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2021, 10, 712.
  • Jedlička, K., Hájek, P., Andrš, T., Čerba, O., Valeš, J., and Zadražil, F.: Agroclimatic atlas – prototype, EMS Annual Meeting 2021, online, 6–10 Sep 2021, EMS2021-475.
  • Charvat K, Bergheim R, Bērziņš R, Zadražil F, Langovskis D, Vrobel J, Horakova S. Map Whiteboard Cloud Solution for Collaborative Editing of Geographic Information. Cloud Computing and Data Science [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 6 [cited 2021 Sep.1]; 2(2):36-5. 
  • Jedlička, K.; Valeš, J.; Hájek, P.; Kepka, M.; Pitoňák, M. Calculation of Agro-Climatic Factors from Global Climatic DataAppl. Sci. 2021, 11, 1245.
  • Gobin, A., Addimando, N., Ramshorn, C., and Gutbrod, K.: Climate risk services for cereal farming, Adv. Sci. Res., 18, 21–25, 2021.