(VUMOP, v.v.i. in Czech) is a non-profit research and educative organisation. The major work activity is basic and applied research in the field of soil science, water and landscape management, soil and water protection, development and maintenance of irrigation and drainage constructions, principles, conservation methods and policies. Most of our financial resources are being provided by grants, transmitted by Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic. We cooperate closely with several Czech and foreign universities or institutions.


VUMOP can offer setting and operation of Jizera river pilot (CZ) and cooperation on related WPs. In this pilot, new tools and approaches for smart farming will be established with a regard to optimized irrigation scheduling and soil tillage management for enhancement of water balance and landscape water retention. This will be achieved by linking of available site and regional ground and remote sensing data (weather, land use, soil, and rainfall‐runoff regime of land blocks) with farmers experiences, on daily and monthly basis. VUMOP will participate on optimization of data collection and analysis, will provide management of the pilot, and will cooperate on building of Stakeholder community for smart irrigation management approaches (Farmers, Irrigation Association, River basin Authority, etc.).